Guess whose new favourite colour is red? Na Bi! Her conflicted emotions and his admiration for her leaves audience hooked!
We’re back with episode 2’s review! We have been dealing with a number of mixed reactions and we have come up with more predictions for Nevertheless’, so we cannot keep calm! If you haven’t read episode 1’s review, then do it already!
Song Kang plays the role of Park Jae-Eon and Han So Hee as Yu Na-Bi. The drama airs once every weekend on Netflix.
Here is how Team NH is currently reacting to Episode 2
1. “The What?”
2. “Omo Omo!”
3. “Awwww”
4. “OMG! Good Stuff!”
If you’ve watched episode 2, I’m sure you know exactly what we are talking about! Without further ado, let’s jump right into the review.
“I’m sure that we feel the same way.”
Episode 1 left the viewers hanging and we had to wait a week to know what happened. That is just painful but also worth the wait! The cliff-hanger was whether Na Bi and Jae Eon would have their first kiss. Well, they don’t. Like we said before, directors cannot be trusted. But this time we don’t just mean it in terms of tricking the viewers, but also surprising them!
Na Bi and Jae Eon are interrupted when he receives a call from a certain Kwon Yeo Ju. Upon looking at the caller he backs out from their night’s plan to go drinking and pushes it to the next day. Though Na Bi’s racing heart is definitely disappointed, this also gives her time to prepare her mind about where this sudden association is going and what she wants from it.
We All Need A Friend Like Bit Na!
During lunch, Bit Na and Na Bi, discuss about Jae Eon being the new potential lover for Na Bi. In the second episode her feelings escalate for him, and Bit Na helps her see things clearly. Unlike Na Bi, who is a soft spoken introvert, Bit Na is a social butterfly. Being an open minded person and one of Na Bi’s close friends, she naturally looks out for her. Without beating around the bush she tells her friend exactly what she feels about the current situation. “The things that made you feel special might be meaningless to him,” she says.
Woo-Hoo Bit Na! She got right into the heart of the matter. Bit Na is not all for Na Bi falling for Jae Eon, but she leaves the decision to her friend to make.
The Red Flags (Ep 1 and 2)
Let’s discuss the red flags. In episode 1’s review, I mentioned how Jae Eon can be a touchy person and a big flirt. I did give him the benefit of doubt, but not anymore. I officially deem him a walking red flag! Though things were slow, dreamy, and a little off in the beginning, episode 2 has taken a huge turn.
In episode 1, Na Bi clearly notices the red flags. Here’s a recap.
Instance 1: In the bar she notices him talking to someone else on call. He probably wasn’t flirting on call, but the conversation sounded misleading. She took off anyway without informing him. Little did she know he would walk right back into her life.
Instance 2: In the library, from behind the books, Na Bi notices him kissing another girl. Though this was only a back-view and we couldn’t really see Jae Eon’s face, we see him wearing the same jacket in the episode later on. So I guess that does count as a red flag if it was him or did she misunderstand? What do you think?
Instance 3: This is not something Na Bi knows about, but more like the production team’s attempt to keep the viewers hooked. And guess what? It’s working like a charm! Whose place is he going to so late? A girl’s? A friend who is a girl or maybe it’s just some guy?”
Instance 4: Towards the end of episode 1, their “almost-kissed” was distracted by Kwon Yeo Ju’s call. Well he did not even answer the call, but cancels drinking plans with Na Bi and forgoes an opportunity to kiss her?
That’s suspicious. That’s weird!
Instance 5: This is probably the biggest wake-up call for Na Bi. The next evening, as planned Na Bi and Jae Eon hit the pub and there they run into a female friend of his. She happens to have the same drawing on her hand, which he also drew on Na Bi’s hand the first time they met. This of course disturbed her and further kindled her insecurity. When she confronted him he tells her that he did not draw it and that his friend did that on her own to see his reaction, since she was obsessed over him. Do you think this is true? Because I don’t. But I would love it if the show proves me wrong!
(Note: the first picture with the butterfly drawing is on the friend’s hand)
Though some viewers call Na Bi naïve, I feel she isn’t. The mild trauma she experienced from her old relationship has changed her. She is no longer gullible. She is self aware and knows what kind of person she is dealing with this time. She chooses to look past these definitive warnings, not because she is naïve but because she does not wish to be the girl she was back then. From what I understand, Jae Eon brings out a different side in her, a side the wants to experience fun and let loose. I also feel she is probably not completely ready to be different, but she is getting there.
It Is What It Is
Nevertheless is not your conventional drama. Yes, the plot uses existing concepts, but at the same time deals with taboo considered and mature topics. It is great to see the industry starting to use this platform as a means to spread awareness and promote better ways to be a good human.
Normalizing Periods
Yes periods are the worst in terms of cramping, but there really is nothing to be embarrassed about. Society often makes women feel insecure about it but I like how this was addressed in the show.
Na Bi faces a sudden code red situation while presenting in class.
(Note: the explanation about periods was a voice over)
Normalizing Random Erections
So much appreciation to the writer and director for addressing this as well. Just like how periods is not in women’s control, sudden erections for men is not in their hands. These erection do not necessarily need sexual simulation, but happen due to fluctuations in testosterone. Not many people know about this and this sometimes lead to misunderstandings. You can read more about it here.
Also what is up with Song Kang and slow kabedons in Nevertheless!?
The UwU Scene!
This is one of Team NH’s favourite scenes. Jae Eon notices Na Bi’s code red situation from her insecure and embarrassed actions, and wraps his shirt around her.
Oh please, this was really cute!
This is also an important scene in the plot that has an effect on Na Bi’s feelings for him.
Jae Eon was always good to Na Bi, but this thoughtful act was one of the key things that propelled her to look past the red flags and concentrate on the side that is really sweet and cares for her.
Na Bi who has decided to give this potential relationship a fair chance and starts getting close with him. Despite Bit Na’s warnings, Na Bi believes that maybe things would be different in her case. Though she puts up a strong front, on the inside it has been a roller coaster. Though her heart flutters, perpetual anxiousness prevails.
Amidst Na Bi’s conflicted emotions, she has a racy dream about herself and Jae Eon. Like I said, this is not a conventional drama that sticks to platonic love or minimal skin-ship.
The production team of Nevertheless have taken a realistic approach towards the plot and wish to incorporate real life scenarios. Setting aside Song Kang’s stifling looks, the always beautiful Han So Hee, and other things, the show’s realistic approach towards the plot is the reason I’m hooked. Anticipation for episode 3’s arrival hasn’t dulled down.
Producers Me
JTBC further announced that episode 2 will be rated 19+ as some scenes explore the sexual attraction Na Bi feels for Jae Eon.
“The reason that Park Jae Uhn is an ‘unattainable flower’ will be revealed [in the upcoming episode]. Please stay tuned to find out what decision Yoo Na Bi, who keeps falling harder and harder even though she knows he’s bad, will make. Yoo Na Bi’s relatable feelings, which reflect those of young people in love like a mirror, will inspire empathy.”
– Producers of Nevertheless
The Other Doors
In episode 1’s review, we left a few doors open for the possibility of Yoon Sol’s love story. Just like we expected, the director has opened Yoon Sol’s door! For our theory about Sol’s sexuality, Bit Na just gave us a greenlight. Although the plot has not yet opened the door completely, the possibility has positively increased.
Here are two scenes that I felt the production team wants viewers to piece together to crack the Sol theory:
Ji Wan was complementing Sol’s face and also reached out to touch her face. It was in this scene I felt Sol’s heart was beating faster and her eyes looked confused, as if she was feeling nervous and doesn’t really know why.
The academy friends after dinner, hangout at Na Bi’s place for drinks. They start playing spin the bottle, and from here the plot just took things a notch up, not just for the leads but also for the supporting characters.
To those unaware of this version of ‘spin the bottle,’ when the bottle stops spinning, the two people sitting at the end of both the ends of the bottle will have to kiss. There is no mandatory rule about kissing. You can mix up the rules. If you want to pass your turn, then you just need to drink alcohol or juice, whatever suits. But in this case, they chose alcohol and the kissing factor!
Anyways back to the puzzle, Yoon Sol and Ji Wan are the next two the bottle stops at. Tipsy Ji Wan bends forwards to kiss Sol, who passes the turn by drinking. Maybe in a different case this isn’t something I would read into, but here I feel Sol avoided the kiss not because she won’t like it, but because she might end up liking it?
These scenarios put together leaves us at one important question and that is, “Does Sol know?” Sol is open minded, sassy, and really cool. If she had already realized about her true self, she would probably different, less confused, less awkward, and definitely super chill about it. Lets wait and watch!
Speaking about Sol, how could we forget about the new man in her life?
She met Jung Ju Hyeok (played by Lee Seung Hyub – leader of N Flying) at a café by accident. He gets in touch with her and asks for a meet up. Does he like her? The probability seems pretty high. I have a deep feeling that he is going to be play an important part in helping Sol realize her sexuality.
This scene has me a little confused but I will not be dwelling too much into it.
Yu Se Hun, an academy friend, has a crush on Sol and asks Ji Wan to help him out. She asks what Sol thinks about Se Hun and Sol replies positively, “He seemed pretty funny.” Sol’s answer makes Ji Wan sad. Why? Does Ji Wan like Se Hun? Or does she like Sol? Let’s leave this door open for now.
Team NH also eagerly look forward to cute moments for the supporting cast!
Na Bi’s Choice
We are finally here.
Bit Na now seems convinced that Jae Eon is different around Na Bi.
After spin the bottle, Na Bi sees Jae Eon and Yun Ji kissing in the corner of the street. She is shocked, hurt, and flustered.
Jae Eon noticed Na Bi who tries to hide herself to avoid the awkwardness but clearly failed. He asks Yun Ji to go upstairs.
The discomfort between the two leads is now magnified. He tries to explain that it was just a game and that Yu Ji wanted to try. I do not like how he just directed it at Yu Jin, and surely Na Bi didn’t want to hear it either and cuts him off, “You don’t need to explain.”
It looked like thing were going down for them, just for one fleeting moment, but the attraction was back on when he said,
Did you guys feel butterflies? I certainly did. Probably in real life such a situation wouldn’t really make me flutter, but Korean actors are an exception! Everything that Na Bi felt for him affection, attraction, lust, love, whatever it was came rushing back to her and she kisses him.
Na Bi has made her choice. She has decided to give this a shot. Na Bi knows what to expect and what not to. Probably this kiss does not mean much to Jae Eon, but for sure it means a lot to her. Though Jae Eon is not into the entire commitment thing, perhaps he bears genuine feelings for her deep down. And yes, a kiss is a big step in the plot. So from here we can expect character development, heart-fluttering romance, and more to unfold.
Even with no cliff-hangers this time, viewers are still hooked to the drama. What are you thoughts on this drama? Comment below or tweet to us on twitter!
See you for episode 3!
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