Netflix original ‘The Silent Sea’ is an upcoming sci-fic, space mystery web series that is an adaptation of a short film ‘The Sea of Tranquility’ which was released in 2014, both written and directed by Choi Hang Yong. He will be directing ‘The Silent Sea’ as well. The series was announced back in 2019 and the cast confirmation in April 2020 but the teaser images were released recently. Starring Gong Yu, Bae Doona, and Lee Joon as the leads, the series is set to release sometime in 2021 but the exact date has not been confirmed yet.
Gong Yu, playing the role of Han Yoon Jae, is one of South Korea’s Hallyu star who has gained recognition worldwide for his terrific performance in the super hit K-Dramas like ‘Coffee Prince’ and ‘Guardian: The Lonely and Great God’ and one of the best zombie apocalypse films ‘Train to Busan,’ which is officially getting an American remake. The current series will be Bae Doona’s fourth appearance in a Netflix series after Kingdom, Stranger, and Sense8. She will be playing the role of Song Ji.
Actor, DJ, and former band member of MBLAQ, Lee Joon, will be playing the role of Ryoo Tae Suk and this is his first appearance after his military service that was discharged in 2019. The supporting actors include Heo Sung-tae and Lee Moo-Saeng for the role of Kim Jae-sun and Gong Soo-Hyuk respectively. They were announced and officially joined the team in September 202 but we do not have news regarding the rest of the cast.
The information so far states that the web series will run for a total of eight episodes and for one season. Choi Hang Yong will be co-creating this with Park Eun Kyo’s screen writing, Jung Woo Sung as executive producer and Artist Company as its production company.
Plot Line:
This adaptation will take the story line of The Sea of Tranquility but the plot is set on the moon, in the future and the Earth is eroded and lacks food and water. Han Yoon Jae (Gong Yu) is a soldier and exploration leader for a special team who will be on am extremely critical mission i.e., to collect some samples from the moon but with limited information. Yoon Jae’s character in the series is of a great leader and he puts the safety of his team above everything and wouldn’t stop himself from putting his life at stake. An honorable man, a perfect leader, and righteous soldier. Song Ji (Bae Doona) is an astrobiologist who is a part of the team but has a whole other motive for being here. She insists on uncovering the secrets of an incident at the Balhae Base research station on the moon, which is currently abandoned. Captain Ryoo Tae Suk (Lee Joon) is the head engineer and an elite member of the Ministry of National Defense and volunteers to be a part of this risky mission to get away from the Ministry’s suffocating Environment. Gong Soo Hyuk (Lee Moo Saeng) is the head of the security team and Kim Jae Sun (Heo Sung Tae) is the chief of a Research Group of Aviation Administration.
The Silent Sea is a much anticipated web series with a star studded cast and we await further information.
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